
Whenever the bearer deals damage to a hostile creature, this weapon gains a charge. As a bonus action, the bearer can use any number of charges to deal that much extra lightning damage on their next attack. If a round (6 seconds) goes by and the weapon has not struck a foe, it loses all charges.

The Morongian boot:

When someone is kicked with this boot it deals 1d4 healing and 1d4 bludgeoning damage


The bearer always knows the direction to the closest alcoholic beverage.


Once per day, the bearer may use their reaction to reduce fall damage by 1d6 until the end of turn.


User prefroms DC13 con-saving throw, on success takes one damage and poison is cured, on fail take 1d8 piercing damage and have a 1d4 advantage dice on poison saving throw.


a glove one time use, catch any attack. 1d6 electric damage. then becomes a glove


Magic weapon 1d10 piercing damage. On crit roll 1d12 for magic effect

1 Targetwarp -Teleports user 1d20 feet away
2 Instant Cloak - Instantly hides user
3 Rewrite - Changes target’s weapon to long sword, if target already has longsword then reroll.
4 Voidslash - Target takes additional 1d4 slashing damage
5 Produce H2O - 1d4 litres of water sprays out targets mouth 
6 Mutawarp - Teleports user and target 1d10 each feet away
7 Lifedrain - Do additional 1d6 magic damage, users heals that same amount
8 Infect - Poisons target
9 Overcharge - Reroll 2 more times, both rolls go into effect
10 Annihilator - Target loses half of their hp regardless of resistance
11 Annihilated - User loses half of their hp regardless of resistances
12 Userwarp - Teleports target 1d20 feet away

Tipsy wand:

On a failed saving throw the opponent will become drunk

These boots were made for walkin:

Increases users speed for one minute when they say these boots were made for walking

Deals 1d8 damage when user walks on someone when they say these boots are gonna walk all over you


The bag has a limited amount of space and vacuums in the nearest item.


Allosaurus juice: DC-15 con saving throw, if failed infected with dinothropy.

Plesiosaurus juice: DC-15 con saving throw, if failed infected with dinothropy.

Pteranodon juice: DC-15 con saving throw, if failed infected with dinothropy.

Knife of the Ape King:

when used turns user and target into were-ape.