Kere: Homeland of the Keneku, formerly known as Kasavo, started as a tiny village of the displaced. Its remote location would spare it from the worst of the Old war, but the bloody conflict would reach even the farthest corners of the land. This came in the form of an army of blood madened Warforged, who sought to sate their bloodlust by destroying the small village. However the people of Kere were rescued from this horrible fate by the lord of the Tamauli mountains, the great dragon Drakear. Renaming the village in his honor, the people were able to flourish and build outwards, building the great city all know today. However in recent times Kere has suffered from the dreadful attentions of the Drow, who have already stolen a whole third of the population and taken them to be slaves in their dark empire underneath the earth.

Grass: The bluntly named home of the lizardfolk, Grass is a trading town in the heartland of squinka. The Lizardfolk are a simple minded people, each concerned with their betterment in the realms of material gain. That is not to say they are selfish, they are in fact very willing to help any in need, for a price of course. At the start of the “scaled road”, the location of Grass has brought the Lizardfolk the status of merchants. The Scaled road is the thriving trade network that runs throughout the continent that brings goods to all corners of the land. The lizardfolk that rule this network make for honest if crude merchants, always trying to earn more and spend less.

Splunk: The Tortle people came to inhabit what now called splunk after being displaced from their previous homes during the Old war. Led there by their Chief Samle, they now live very simple lives in monastic huts purchasing only what they need, disparaging any sort of excess. Tortles prioritize knowledge over any other pursuit, and have constructed the great library of Torlash which stands as the jewel of the city and acts as the knowledge center of squinka, their only conceit to the practice of embellishment.

Roaka: The humid underbelly of squinka, in the homeland of the grungs anything that can be bought is sold. Stories abound tell of exotic markets filled with slaves and even darker delights hidden within its thick jungles. The vast market city sits on top of a marshy rainforest with all available space filled with all kinds of strange goods. While lower markets dot the damp forest floor, the canopy above is where most esoteric objects in all of Squinka can be found. Those who make the treacherous journey find the truth to be stranger than fiction, and if they are not careful, they may end up as merchandise themself.

Abac: If Kere is the center of culture and Splunk the center of knowledge, then Abac is the center of wealth for Squinka. Rich Dwarf noble families have made massive fortunes from the mineral rich Rikdom mountains. These riches attracted thousands to come to Abac in hopes of gathering their own. However not all have benefited from these mining operations as the masses of humans, half-orcs, and gnomes toil away for long hours for little pay. Their noble masters keep to the center of the city while the workers are forced to the undeveloped edges of the city, exposed to the untamed wild.